F or more information on showing hidden folders, see View Hidden Folders on your Mac Using Terminal at About Technology.
The folder where the driver is located might be hidden. odbcinst.ini The installer for Mac OS X creates a sample user DSN in odbc.ini in either of the following locations: /Library/ODBC/odbc.ini /.odbc.ini Depending on the driver manager you use, the user DSN in one of these files will be effective.The location should be similar to the following: /opt/simba/sqlserverodbc/lib/universal/libsimbasqlserverodbc.dylibĬauseTableau Desktop is unable to locate the driver necessary to make the data connection. Navigate to the location of the ‘libsimbasqlderverodbc.dylib’ file.Next to the Driver file field, click on Choose to browse to the correct driver file.In the Description section, enter Simba SQL Server ODBC Driver.In the ODBC Administrator, select the Drivers tab.If the ODBC Administrator is not already installed on your computer, it can be downloaded from the following link: ODBC Administrator Tool for Mac OSX v1.0.If the ODBC Administrator is not found, navigate to the Utilities folder and locate the application. ODBC Administrator is a utility which can be used to connect to databases with applications that conform to the Open Database Connectivity Standard (ODBC). In the search box, type ODBC Administrator. sqlite-tools-osx-x86-3390400.zip (1.52 MiB), A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files.For more information, see Drivers & Activation on the Tableau website. Microsoft SQL Server or Azure Synapse Analyticsĭownload and install the Microsoft SQL Server driver for the Mac.